You can change anything about your personality. But really, what are the steps for personality development. I worked on my personality. I could literally work on my personality until it changed. So what if you are just now seeing what has changed in your personality? Well I want you to know from my personal experience, you can change any part of your personality. Years and years ago, I thought I would get out of my introverted side. There's no way I'll ever be an extrovert. There is no way that I will ever come out of the people in front of me or do anything in front of people because it will drown me inward thinking because I will do something like this. But you know what? I had this feeling inside me and I needed to be more than an extrovert. And I did not know how the world I would be going into would be. But there is always this quality and quality that I wanted, but I did not have them. And I, I said, "Well, it's a fair personality, that's how I've grown up, it's always been me and once you're on the way, you can't change anything." This is not really true. You can change any part of your personality. But here are some things that you want top attention in the process of developing your personality.Introvert means that you can recharge yourself. You enjoy being alone, you enjoy the outdoors, you really enjoy deep, deep, deep meaningful conversations. It is an introvert. An extroverted recharge from being around people. And and extroverts like to be around a bunch of people all the time and invite everyone and just go for it which I wasn't. But I knew that if I could be something of that trait, that type of personality, it would make it easier for me to fulfill the endless life of my mission, helping people. And so I started seeing, "What do I have to do to get this type of personality trait?" Now I don't know what it is you want to get or change. But I am going to show here that the same component can work for you to change whatever part of your personality you want to change.
I really wish that someday I could stand in front of a group of people and not pass out or even have my heartbeat thousand miles an hour. "But I'd be right that I am capable of being a personality type." Behavior. When we were young children, we saw people above. Actually because we are. But we see people and we follow the role models. We follow the behavior of other people. We saw what they did and then started what we did. And so, we are just older children. 'Not done again. You know, years ago, a scientist said that "once you change at a certain age, you can't change." it is not true. Any person can make changes about himself at any time. And if you have a personality trait that you don't have. Like you don't like it. Like you're probably super shy. Okay, you replace it with the kind of personality you want. You know and maybe you are mean and you are infamous and you only mean people. Okay, you find someone who serves toast and replaces that personality trait with a new personality trait. And you can imagine yourself to be a lot more humble and kind to those around you. These roots affect these fruits. So it is in your root system and it is what it takes to make changes. Saying, "You know, I'm outgoing. I like being around people. I like to do it." But start speaking the language you hope to become.