Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The scripture says

You have no idea how God can use someone that you believe someone To build someone's trust and I don't know about you, but there is so much negativity in the world today. I can't open my social media feed without being discouraged. I can't read a news app without being depressed. I can't talk to all the world's shocking news without being depressed and polarizing so many people in the world. Can be so incredibly critical, so disgusting that I think it's time we step in as believers and lift others up, bringing words of hope, words of encouragement because the words we They speak, they are full of power, can form our words or can crush our words. 

The scripture says that the tongue has the power of life and the power of death. I want my words to build your faith to strengthen your belief that God is for you that he is with you that he will never leave you. He never leaves you doing that work in you. If it was up to me, I would encourage you and build your trust because everyone sees you facing a battle that you know nothing about. Let's improve the world around us by using our words. Let's improve our relationships using our words. Let us use our words to take the life of our children in our marital life, in our job life, give life to our minds, speak words to our families, edit those words which make up the words spoken. Embrace words that speak those words that forgive those words that speak love that heal words that are filled with words.No person can subdue the tongue that we need from God for help. 

He speaks the universe into existence which God calls and it is and we see it in the entire creation account God said and this and this happens and he speaks it and so God uses words about life and light. He speaks in the dark and he says that light and light come and so we see the power of words from the beginning that words are tools that God uses to flip .You don't have the right to hate anyone that God has created and use this mouth to curse anyone that God wants to save.