Thursday, August 13, 2020

Self control

 If you accept that everyone has weaknesses and you can be more tolerant and compassionate and forgive and accept yourself. In fact, just see if you can give yourself the same level of compassion and forgiveness that you are willing to give to other people. If you can start treating yourself in this way, it will relieve some of the pressure and you will be able to move much more powerfully into developing yourself under control. With that acceptance intolerance, let's be really honest about our weakness. You know what it is. Define it and understand it so that you do not put yourself in harm's way. If you are oblivious to your weakness, you are likely going to be in danger. Understand what your weakness is. Embrace it in a way that allows you to say, "You know what that is? That thing is a weakness for me. I'm not putting myself anywhere near that thing."If alcohol is your weakness then stay away from the bar. Here's another example: I've got a head ache and I mean, this part of my body is weak. And if I'm riding my bicycle, I can choose to go with a helmet, with or without a helmet. Wearing a helmet does not make my head strong. It protects something that is already weak. And if I think I won't even wear a helmet, "Oh, I'm invincible." Well, that does not mean that I am invincible. It probably means I'm stupid. If I accept my weakness, then I should be humble enough to put on a helmet and protect what is weak. So we have to accept and accept what our weakness is. Whatever it is - accept it, accept it. And then don't put yourself in harm's way.

Celebrate your successes. Give yourself some kind of little reward. And sometimes we already have to artificially introduce extra enjoyment in this process because the thing we're working on is such a long-term thing. So, if you have a little win, give yourself a little reward. celebrate it. Have some fun with it All of this is the way to practice self-control for yourself.