When there is a goal that we want to accomplish, always pay attention to the beginning. What do I need, how should I start, what is included. Do we think about the end goals: what kind of results will I get, how much money will I make, when will it end? But the most important part of the goals that are actually pursued is the middle. When you guess yourself it is another. When you feel that you are wasting your time. Getting started is easier than you think. The hard part is being consistent. Since, let's face it, most of the things you want to accomplish in life take a long time. If you are overweight and you want to lose a healthy weight, in some cases it may take months or even years. If you want to build a business, it is not happening overnight, no matter how good your idea is. Even if you are very passionate about an idea, it is a long time consuming one. Because whatever else you are doing cannot be wildly emotional about it. Yes, there are exceptions.
There are people with overnight success. Those people got lucky. And you can't bet on luck. And in many cases, that person's success was not fast either. You have just noticed that the highlights look faster. The media does a lot these days. You see on Facebook or Instagram that it seems that people are moving so fast and having a lot of fun, but you're just taking a snapshot of your best moments. Even part of a linear planned event that was already like a college or high school for them may take years. Have you ever thought that you started something? I wish you didn't wait so long? There is a chance that you never started that you were more focused on the results from this process. If you had just kept in these years, you would probably have already lived up to your goal. The solution is to conform to your long-term goals and think more. You have to be comfortable working day in and day out like a routine. You have to accept that this is something you are going to do. You will not know more about the results. You will not delay is that you stop yourself from changing your mind. Admit yourself that it is going to take years. Accept yourself that when you are bored, sad, angry or tired you will continue it. I have talked a lot about the drive, but about the benefits of what happened. Consistency saves time. When you have a consistent routine, it takes less time to think about it. Less planning time. It is practically automated. And you may have a chance to develop your schools. Because when you practice something again and again, you are very good at it. Having a consistent routine is also a discipline. This prevents you from getting around. Because you know that you have a significant positive life-long obligation. It is something to devote ourselves to. And it is best to invest in it.