Monday, August 24, 2020

Are you choosing the right path

You can have more than you can have and of course the other side of the coin reads, until you change how you are, you will always have what you got. Someone once said that if you take all the money in the world, divide it equally among all, it will soon all return to the same pocket. Incredible. Success is something you attract, not your pursuit. Success is looking for a good place to live. So instead of going after it, you work on yourself. Personal development. See the key questions to ask on the job that can't be found. The major question to ask on the job is what you are becoming. It is our attitude towards life that will determine our attitude towards life. Honestly face the fact that we shape our own lives, and their sizes will be determined by our attitudes. A human being can change his life by changing his perspective. Learn to work harder on yourself than to do your job. For you to change things, you had to change. Otherwise, this change will not occur. The only way it works for you is when you are better. Life and business is like a changing season. You can't change the weather, but you can change yourself. There are literally millions of human beings who lead narrow, bleak, depressed lives, living defensively, only because they adopt a defensive skeptical attitude towards themselves. Change is one thing in life on which we can fully rely. Attitude is a reflection, a result of a person. It is inconsistently powerful. This can bring amazing results for us, but we need to train it patiently, day to day. 

You can do whatever you want.