Have a purpose. We all need a purpose in life. Life without one is meaningless. Very few people understand that life is meaningless unless you give it meaning. Once you determine what your purpose is, you need to know what you want to create. Some people may believe that this is similar to defining your purpose but not its. Your objective is the bigger picture and knowing what you want is more granular. Take action every day, get help, whatever you do, it will not be alone. You are embarking on a path you have never come down before. Doesn't it make sense to have someone you guide for help? Create good habits. Our life is nothing out of the total of our daily habits. Nobody goes to the top of their mountain because they have done one or two big things. These are small day to day operations. Be focused and disciplined. This is one of those good habits that you will need to establish and that is: making the most of your time. The art of being agile is paramount to your success in life. turn off your phone. Close your email turn off the TV. Focus on your to-do list and complete it. You have no one else to blame but if you are not. get back up. If you make a mistake, learn from it and get back. There are no failures, just learning experiences. All data is good data if you use it. Life is an experiment and you are the test subject. Learn and keep going.